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Matthias Attard

Feb 07, 2022

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Matthias Attard

Feb 07, 2022

Everything you need to know about a Data Centre

A data centre (British English) or data center (American English) or a datacentre can, in its simplest form, be described as a building or groups of buildings that house computer systems, equipment and similar technologies within them. These can vary from whole racks full of computer servers on one extreme, to virtual servers running on a shared computer setup on the other (the now ubiquitous “cloud” can be considered as a mix of these two).

How have data centres evolved over the years?

As has everything, data centres have evolved over time. Whereas traditionally they just acted as co-location facilities – i.e. places where hardware was placed, in an environment that was secure, at the right temperature and with good connectivity solutions – it has now evolved into a complex, interconnected reality, where physical, virtual and hybrid environments co-exist, within private clouds or public clouds, or the two.

data centre 2

Add to this the need to spread data and systems across multiple locations (for example for resilience purposes) and the need to retain some equipment in your office or business, and you have a perfect complex situation. This new reality is often called hybrid IT.

This is happening because although many companies are making the move to the cloud, not everyone can, or is willing, to take the leap. Technical requirements, data visibility and transparency are generally key reasons why many organisations still opt for a datacentre or private cloud set-up vs public cloud. In fact, according to an Uptime Institute survey - 58% of organisations are hesitant to move to the cloud. 

What are the different types of data centres?

On a broad basis, there are 4 different types; let’s take a look at what each one entails.


Enterprise data centres are normally built for large organisations that use the data centre for their exclusive own internal use.  

Managed Services

Managed Services are data centres that are managed by a specialised company, such as BMIT Technologies, offering solutions such as data storage, computing, connectivity, equipment, infrastructure, private and hybrid cloud solutions and many more, as a fully fletched service to customers. These will be completely or partially managed by the company that owns that data centre.  


Colocation or more commonly known as ‘co-lo’ or ‘colo’ facilities are data centres, that offer space for rental within their own data centre to their clients. Colo facilities host and manage the physical infrastructure and security while the client would be responsible for the management and upkeep of the other components.  BMIT Technologies also offers this type of facility.


Cloud data centres are virtual data centres hosted by cloud service providers such as BMIT Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM Cloud or a mixture of all

How can BMIT Technologies help with data centres?  

With our many years legacy in managing colocation facilities and managed datacentre services, we can help you define the right requirements, select the best type of IT solution you require – within the datacentre or not – and provide solution to deploy, manage and support such environments.  As Malta's leading technology provider, we can propose and develop intelligent, secure infrastructure solutions, help build your internal capabilities and identify opportunities to enhance your business potential through the application of innovative technologies.  

Every client we work with requires different solutions. We use our expertise in data centres, cloud and productivity solutions, to get your business to go further than ever before. 

Want to learn more about data centres and how they can elevate your business? Contact us and one of our experts will reach out and guide you accordingly. 

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