
Concerns around cloud adoption

One of the best analogies to illustrate ‘the cloud’ is electricity. If I asked you what you’d prefer, to build a small power plant in your garden and make your own electricity, or buy what electricity you need from a company, you’re very likely to say you just want to pay for what you use. […]

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BMIT: Cloud Tips for small businesses

Cloud computing presents both time and money-saving benefits, making it a great fit for small businesses. In fact, small businesses that are not part of the cloud could very well be missing out on opportunities that could help them grow and take their businesses to the next level. The cloud has given small business owners […]

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Cloud Services explained

If there is one term which the IT industry has bandied about often in the past few months, that terms would be ‘the Cloud’, or a variant of it, ‘Cloud Services’. But what exactly is the cloud, how does it work, and how does it affect me or my business? Cloud services essentially means ‘using […]

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