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Matthias Attard

Jun 15, 2023

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Matthias Attard

Jun 15, 2023

BMIT & The Malta Chamber event - The importance of data protection and cyber resilience

Data protection and cyber resilience have become paramount for businesses across the globe. The growing reliance on technology and the increasing sophistication of cyber threats have made it crucial for organisations of any size to prioritise the security of their data.

Recently, BMIT had the privilege of organising along with The Malta Chamber an event that shed light on the importance of data protection and the role of cyber resilience in safeguarding valuable information.

The keynote speaker was the Commissioner for Data Protection, Ian Deguara, who spoke about the work being done in Malta to enhance the level of awareness and latest developments in the field.

Sean Cohen, BMIT Head of Technical Operations, gave a presentation on the technologies and technical implementation strategies that businesses can adopt to safeguard their data.

BMIT’s Chief Customer Success Officer, Nick Tonna, introduced the topic of the event explaining why resilience and digital fortitude played an important role in helping businesses to protect their data.

A very engaging and interesting discussion followed with The Malta Chamber CEO, Marthese Portelli, MPS’s Chris Mifsud and Gabriel Sultana CTO from Apcopay, joining Nick Tonna and the Data Protection Commissioner on the panel.

You can watch a recording of the event here.

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