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Cybersecurity Assessment

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    Note: Classifying data with labels such as Public, Confidential, External or Internal, helps an organisation to understand their data and apply policies based on these classifications to meet compliance and security requirements.

    Note: Single-Sign-On (SSO) enables users to sign in once and be able to access all the services / applications that they are authorised to access.


    Note: It is best practice to periodically test your data backups to ensure that your data integrity is maintained, and it is recoverable.

    Note: An awareness initiative or program serves to educate employees on security matters, their role as users and the company’s overall security culture.

    Note: Operating systems, applications, and hardware, need to be regularly updated with the latest versions (operating systems, firmware etc) to patch known vulnerabilities that could be used by malicious actors to enter the network.

    Note: An unauthorised asset is a device that is connect to the network with the explicit permission of your IT team or meets the requirements of any security policies set by administrators.

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